Saturday, December 19, 2015

Pacific airs

Between the clouds I feel big. Between the blue sky and the power of the wind I can fly to my destiny. I move between the heights and observe how little problems seem for a far, and how grandiose it is to keep going every time the sun comes up. My heart beats strongly in my chest when I see the palm tress growing and the sea getting closer.

With my hair loose, a smile on my face, and a book in my hands I get to the farthest shoreline, that which very few travel to. In that shoreline, breathing the salt water smell, I find myself again. Even though, I have been lost in the paths of the sand, I have discovered precious rocks, broken shells that no one wants but that don't cut if touched carefully, and little goals that have helped me reach the sea. The waves roar and splash, but they don't scare me. On the contrary, I enjoy each drop that brushes; each of them gives me strength to face the next storm, it passes onto me the happiness of knowing what time is, that vague concept that directs everything and gives nothing for granted.

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