Sunday, August 24, 2014


They say when you're sixteen, you have endless freedom, you fall in love like you never fell before while you bleed, you've got the world at your feet and you're flying. I don't know if that's true for everyone, but it was for me.

When you're too young to know what life is about but too old to question all that surrounds you, you've reached the point in your life when you know who you want to shape yourself into. You've developed into the greatest version of yourself and decided which road you want to take. During that road you will fall, only to find you can get back up. There are flowers on the side of the trail, each one with its unique color and scent. Friends are flowers in the garden of life and each one gives you something completely different.

Your heart expands and you can't breathe anything but love. Love for your parents, who have given you the light to see the darkness down the road and have held your broken pieces to then fix them up. Love for your best friend, that one person who knows you inside out and still loves you, that person who laughs when no one else will and who wipes your tears away, your other half. Love for the music that pumps in your veins to make you feel alive, that beat that keeps you running forward. Love for those inked words in your favorite book, that magic that helped you see different points of view. And love for that boy with brown eyes and sincere smile. The first love who you will always remember as the only one who made you feel big when you thought of yourself as small. He, who held you in his arms and made you believe in true love.

Now, one day before this revealing year ends, I look back on every moment during these 365 and know that I have lived the best year of my life. For now. A new adventure is about to start.

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